Sunday, May 9, 2010

1950s Polaroid Camera Worth

Leather Brown

E 'popped a little sun! Yuppie!
Saturday morning I was in the center of Turin with my cousin ..
Sometimes we like to go out and buy unnecessary things here and there =) but this morning I bought two things I love: shoes studded with brown-colored leather and cotton and silk scarf again, this time white.
niente di che ma non vedevo l'ora di indossare sia le scarpe che la sciarpina...allora prima di andare dalla mia amica (alla quale presto dedicherĂ² un post) ho scattato qualche foto..

A little sunshine! Yey!
Saturday morning I went in the city center of Turin with my cousin ..
Occasionally we like to go out and buy unnecessary things =), but this morning I bought two things I like: the brown leather studded heels and a scarf of cotton and silk, this time in white.
I could not wait to wear shoes and scarf .. so before going to my friend (who I'll dedicate to post soon) I Took Some pictures.

A bit of sun! Yey!
ero Saturday morning in the city center of Turin with my cousin ..
Occasionally we like to go out and buy unnecessary things =) but this morning I bought two things I like: the brown leather studded heels and a scarf of colored cotton and silk, this time in white .
could not wait to wear the shoes and scarf .. so before going to my friend (I'll devote a post soon) I took some pictures.

leggings jeans
Studded HEELS
Subdued SCARF


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